What Is Conditioner (And What Does It Actually Do for Your Hair)?

If you’re like most modern men and women, you likely have a hair care routine that includes a nourishing shampoo, hydrating conditioner, and hair styling tools and products that help your lovely locks look fantastic. 

But how does conditioner help you get that silky, smooth hair, and how does it have the power to transform dry, stressed hair into soft, silky strands? In this article, we’ll explore what conditioner is, what it actually does for your hair, and the different types of conditioner. 

What Is Conditioner? 

Conditioner is a conditioning or hydrating product made with moisturizing agents and ingredients like oils, emollients, silicones, and cationic surfactants. When used in a conditioner formula, these ingredients soften stressed hair and restore moisture that’s been removed from shampooing. 

There are three main types of conditioner that work well for different hair types and concerns. 

Different Types of Conditioner and How to Apply It

  • Rinse-out conditioner: This is the most common type of conditioner and the product you’ll likely use every week. After shampooing hair, follow up with a moisturizing rinse-out conditioner and let it soak for two to five minutes before rinsing out with lukewarm or cool water. If you’re following a regular hair care routine, you’ll likely wash and condition hair two to three times per week. Ensure your rinse-out conditioner contains effective, plant-based ingredients that soothe stressed-out hair, lock in moisture, and seal the cuticles. 
  • Leave-in conditioner: Leave-in conditioners are lightweight, moisturizing products ideal for dry, damaged, or curly hair. It’s a great way to keep hair soft and manageable between washes without weighing it down or making hair appear greasy. Those with thin, fine, or straight hair need to use leave-in conditioner sparingly, as it easily weighs down hair and makes it appear greasy. To apply most leave-in conditioning treatments, spray it into the hair or palm of your hair and spread it evenly onto the hair. Focus on the ends of hair or any dry areas. 
  • Deep conditioner: Jam-packed with moisturizing materials, deep conditioners are the best product for dry, thick, or damaged hair. Deep conditioners use rich essential oils, plant oils and butters, and other thick moisturizing agents to offer deep repair and hydration. Apply a deep conditioner evenly to the hair and leave it on for about 30 to 40 minutes before washing it out. 

What Does Conditioner Do for Your Hair?

The right conditioner will seal the cuticle, which promotes soft, shiny hair and ensures it stays moisturized. With the right ingredients, a conditioning treatment can curb frizz, reduce flyaways, prevent breakage, and add shine and strength to the hair. 

What’s the Best Moisturizing Conditioner?

Blu Atlas Conditioner is an incredible moisturizing treatment for your hair. It has everything you want in a rinse-out conditioner and is packed with hair-loving and hydrating that can help with dullness, dryness, frizz, and breakage. It’s full of nourishing ingredients like argan oil, barley protein, avocado oil, and white tea extract and helps restore shine, soothe dry scalps, and restore damage. 


Frequently Asked Questions 

How long should you leave conditioner in your hair? 

Rinse-out conditioner should sit on hair for two to five minutes before rinsing out. Deep conditioner should soak into hair for around 30 to 40 minutes before washing out. Conditioning products like leave-in conditioners or hydrating hair oils don’t need to be washed out. 

How often should you use conditioner? 

Use rinse-out conditioner after shampooing hair two to three times per week (depending on your hair care routine). You can apply other products like a leave-in conditioner whenever your hair needs a little TLC moisturizing treatment. Use deep conditioners on a rotating schedule to inject hair with moisture, like weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly (whatever works best for your hair type).

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What Is Conditioner (And What Does It Actually Do for Your Hair)?

What Is Conditioner (And What Does It Actually Do for Your Hair)?

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